"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Friday 20 December 2013

Friday evening links

Family Immigration Alliance | Sheehan’s story.


'I am a 22 year old British citizen who is pregnant with my first child. A year ago I went to Cambodia temporarily where I met the father of my child, fell madly in love and ended up deciding to stay and live there to be with him. We are now expecting the birth of our first child and although we are both extremely happy about becoming parents the new immigration laws have gave me so much stress during the pregnancy (so much I have even had to consider if I can keep the baby or not)...'

The Family Immigration Alliance:

Spuddings | Why we won’t be living in the United Kingdom.


'There are many questions people ask once they hear you’re getting married. When you’re a binational couple one of these questions is: “Where are you going to live?”

'It’s not that easy a question to answer. As young, fresh graduates, we could potentially live anywhere. But the only answer we have so far is, “Not the UK.”

'Neither of us have a problem with Great Britain. I’ve been here over a year now, and have received nothing but kindness and generosity from the people I’ve met. Yet my time is limited: my visa runs out at the end of January. Most people don’t see that as a problem since we’re getting married, but it’s not that simple. As it turns out, getting married doesn’t guarantee you a visa to remain in the country; that probably only happens in movies...

'In an effort to drastically cut down the number of immigrants entering the UK, the government has changed a whole range of immigration policies. The Post-Study Work Visa, which allows international students to stay and find work in the UK after they graduate, is gone. The spousal visa has also changed. A binational couple will only be able to get a spousal visa if the British spouse earns an income of £18,600 a year (and has been earning that for at least six months). 47% of people in employment in the UK are unable to meet this financial threshold. The foreign spouse’s income is not taken into account...'

UK Border Agency: Overturn my wife's spouse visa refusal and allow her to return to the UK


'Can we not be in love because my wife’s work touches on human rights issues? The UKBA says we cannot, because she does not want my love, all she wants is her safety. Is a feeling of safety not part of a loving relationship? The UKBA says not. '

David and Bang :


Alabama: How America’s harshest immigration law failed.


'Lampedusa boat' comes to Thames to highlight plight of migrants.


The horrors of human trafficking in Sinai.


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